About watergov

From the RegWAS LAC program to a global transformation movement.

Why WaterGov

It is the responsability of governments around the world to implement sound and stable public policies that guarantee universal access to water supply and sanitation services, which are essential for public health, quality of life and sustainable development.

The impacts of climate change, which greatly affect these services, make this task even more challenging.


Success stories demonstrate that regulatory authorities are pivotal agents of change in the effective implementation of these public policies and in improving service delivery.

Achieving this requires strengthened regulatory institutions and a stable institutionality that is aligned with the challenges.


The WaterGov movement

The WaterGov movement emerged in response to these challenges, with the goal of supporting the implementation of processes that strengthen the regulation of water and sanitation services, as well as the institutionality of the sector, through a set of complementary initiatives.

It is a result of the RegWAS LAC Program, which focus on improving public policies and regulation of water and sanitation services in Latin America and the Caribbean. This program was launched in 2020 through a strategic collaboration between the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the Lisbon International Centre for Water (LIS-Water) and the Association of Water and Sanitation Regulatory Entities of the Americas (ADERASA), with support from the Government of Portugal.

Building on the success of this initiative, the products developed, the collaborative network established, and the high potential for scalability and synergies, the promoters designed the WaterGov initiatives to catalyze a movement aimed at achieving transformational impact at scale.

An integrated
water governance.

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